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Strawberry grapes Daiquiri drink recipe: how to make a light and fragrant aperitif cocktail

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Strawberry grapes Daiquiri drink recipe: how to make a light and fragrant aperitif cocktail

  • 5 minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Easy



The strawberry grapes Daiquiri is the umpteenth, dazzling manifestation of the aromatic capabilities of rum, one of the most ductile distillates ever to come out of the still. It is the classic aperitif cocktail: thirst-quenching, fragrant, with a solid structure, but driven by a delicious fruity tone.

It is not a strong cocktail, rather it is all played on slight aromaticity, thanks to the combination of lime and strawberry grapes, a doubly scented fruit. The technique is always the same, shake for 12 seconds, after having crushed the strawberry grapes in the shaker with the pestle. Strain to remove any seeds.

Ingredients and doses for making strawberry grapes daiquiri

  • 4.5 cl of rum
  • 2 cl of lime juice
  • 0.5 cl of sugar syrup
  • 10 berries of strawberry grapes

How to make a strawberry grapes Daiquiri
Put ice in a cup-glass.

Wash the strawberry grapes, put them in the shaker, then pound for a minute.

Add a few ice cubes, pour the white rum, the sugar syrup and squeeze in half a lime.

Shake for 12 seconds and pour into the cup filtering with a chinoise.

Suggested food pairings

Grilled cheese sandwich; parmigiana ravioli, spaghetti with clams, chicken tikka masala, Chicken Cacciatore, Vitello Tonnato, truffle risotto, pasta alla carbonara, paella mixta.

Rum cocktails you should try

Mojito, Zombie, Mai Tai, Daiquiri, Painkiller, Dark and Stormy, Canchanchara, Pina Colada, Cuba LibreBasito, Hurricane.


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