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Winter recipe: how to prepare the perfect boozy fruit salad with coconut rum and absinthe

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Winter recipe: how to prepare the perfect boozy fruit salad with coconut rum and absinthe

  • 15 minutes + 2 hours marinade
  • Serves 8
  • Medium



The fruit salad we are going to do today is a winter hymn to its flavors, its colors and its lovely flavors. It does not seem but in winter we have an exaggerated miscellany of fresh fruits to play with: apples, pears, oranges and pomegranates.

All you need to do is to cut all the fruit into slices, drizzle with orange juice and we will have a fabulous cup of winter fruit salad.

Yeah, sure, but how to make it even more delicious and attractive fruit salad?

Clearly, the answer is alcohol: you don’t need a river of booze, just add a sprinkle, but make it count and be sure to find an aromatic link with the fruits.

The possibilities are many, a single drop of Chartreuse or Dom Benedictine or crème de menthe if you want to give a fresh hint to the dish, but today we want to imprint an exotic touch to our fruit salad and so we are going with coconut rum. If you do not find the coconut rum, add straight rum and 2 tablespoons of coconut flour and you’ll do just fine.

Ingredients of the winter fruit salad

For 8 people

  • 6 apples
  • 4 pears
  • 2 pomegranates
  • 100 grams of cranberry, dried or if you do not find fresh
  • 4 tablespoons orange honey
  • 2 oranges
  • 200 grams of hazelnuts
  • some pistachio or dried fruits
  • 30 cl of coconut rum
  • 4 drops of absinthe
  • 1/8 of a teaspoon of cinnamon

How to prepare the winter boozy fruit salad

Halve the pomegranate, grainy all the seeds and toss with a sprinkle of coconut rum.

Chop the hazelnuts and put them in a cup with the rest of the nuts and pomegranate seeds.

Squeeze the oranges and strain the juice.

Wash apples and pears and cut them into wedges. Put apples, pears and cranberries in a bowl and season with rum, cinnamon, honey, absinthe, and orange juice.

Just hold on, we’re almost done: put the fruit salad in a big bowl with dried fruit, seasoned generously with the marinade of rum and honey and then drop some more hazelnuts and pistachios over.

Let it stand in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, then pull out one hour before serving.

Now do not tell me you don’t love fruit salad or I’m!

Rum cocktails you should try

Mojito, Zombie, Mai Tai, Daiquiri, Painkiller, Dark and Stormy, Canchanchara, Pina Colada, Cuba LibreBasito, Hurricane.


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