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Winter recipes: how to make a super hot chocolate with dark chocolate, chili and rum

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Winter recipes: how to make a super hot chocolate with dark chocolate, chili and rum

  • 25 minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Easy



Lately chocolate is dominating our recipes, trials, and dreams. We want to see how far it is possible to go and so here it is a new spicy chocolate cocktail. It’s not a real cocktail like a Dry Martini or Sex on the Beach, it’s a kind of super delicious and boozy hot chocolate to drink during winter.

Yes, because its peculiarity is the presence of the chili pepper as a chocolate companion, in pure Mexican style.

You can drink this spicy hot chocolate as an after-dinner or dessert for Christmas or instead of the classic five o’clock tea. Remember that you can also serve it cold and well shaken during the hottest periods of the year.

Hasta luego muchachos!

Ingredients and doses of hot chocolate with dark chocolate, chili, and rum

For 6 servings

  • 2 liters of milk
  • 200 grams of extra dark chocolate
  • 1 cup of espresso
  • 1 organic, untreated orange
  • 5 grams of chili powder
  • 24 cl of dark rum
  • 5 grams of nutmeg
  • 5 grams of cinnamon
  • 8 cl of triple sec or Cointreau

How to prepare the hot chocolate with dark chocolate, chili, and rum

A clarification before starting: if you want to put up a delicious spiced but non-alcoholic cup of hot chocolate, all you have to do is omit the alcohol and the result will still be splendid.

Best Christams cocktail recipes, hot chocolate with whipped cream, chili and rum The chocolate and chili mix is ​​fabulous, maybe remember to put a few tablespoons of orange juice and the grated rind of an untreated orange to soften the chocolate assault with a perfumed touch.

Put the milk to boil in a saucepan, bringing it to a boil slowly. At the first bubbles turn off.

Break the chocolate and toss it in the pan, stir and add all the other ingredients. Hot chocolate with marshmallows dark chocolate rum and chili, Christams recipes When the chocolate is well mixed pour it into 6 glasses or mugs and decorate with whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or some marshmallows.

Happy Holidays!

Rum cocktails you should try

Mojito, Zombie, Mai Tai, Daiquiri, Painkiller, Dark and Stormy, Canchanchara, Pina Colada, Cuba LibreBasito, Hurricane.


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