Today we will reach the pinnacle of vegan food porn by preparing the vegan Tiramisu without eggs or mascarpone but with only soy milk, vanilla, cocoa, and biscuits.
Many will turn up their noses; indeed, they consider it blasphemous to call desserts or recipes in a vegan version by their original names. But if this reasoning makes sense for cheese and specific products, rooted in Italian culinary culture for millennia, there is no need to be a Taliban for recipes.
Also, because this vegan tiramisu made with soy milk is delicious, sumptuous, and much less fattening than the classic one with eggs and mascarpone, there are no comparisons: your heart will not explode for a dessert. There are no kilos of saturated fat that will clog your arteries, just lots of taste and lightness. It almost looks like a carousel commercial…
There are no tricks or secrets to making the vegan tiramisu recipe. Both soy and coconut milk, which are heavier and more fatty, can be used.It depends on whether you want to add a tropical touch to your dessert.
The only alternative is acquafaba, which is boiling water used to preserve chickpeas. If you want an excellent substitute for whipped egg whites, whisk this magical water with a pair of electric whisks, and you will have an even softer and more spectacular dessert.
Ingredients and doses to make vegan Tiramisu with soy milk
6 servings/cups
- 60 grams of flour
- 85 grams of brown sugar
- 16 cookies
- 1 liter of soy milk
- 2 grams of cocoa
- 4 cl of coffee
- 4 cl of Marsala or rum or Sherry
- 1 untreated organic lemon
- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder
- a pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric
- 1 glass of acquafaba, optional
How to make vegan Tiramisu with soy milk
Sift the flour and mix it with the vanilla.
Wash the lemon, squeeze it, and peel it. The white portion is bitter, while the yellow portion is sweet.
Put the soy milk in a saucepan, throw in the peel and sugar, and start mixing to dissolve it.
Bring to a light boil, remove the lemon peel, then throw in the flour and turmeric, continuing to stir.
Cook over low heat for 4 minutes, then turn off the stove and filter the cream.
If you want to make the vegan tiramisu even softer, whisk 1 glass of acacia honey until stiff and add it when the cream has cooled down.
Now put the coffee in a bowl, add a few tablespoons of Marsala, sherry, or rum, mix, and dip the biscuits. If you soak them for too long, they will mash.
Take a glass or cup and begin assembling the tiramisu: first, a layer of cream, then a soaked biscuit, cover with cream, alternate a biscuit, compact, submerge in cream, the final biscuit, and more cream to seal the dessert with a creamy hug.
A sprinkle of bitter cocoa, and the dessert is ready!
And there you have it. In a few minutes, you will be able to prepare a delicious dessert, the true vegan tiramisu, without eggs or milk. Serve it to your guests, and their hearts will thank you.
Which wine to pair with vegan Tiramisu with soy milk?
We choose a structured and spicy wine such as the legendary Calcaia passito, a fantastic sweet Orvieto wine that will add a charming touch to the pairing. Don’t forget that you can also combine this delicious dessert with fortified and distilled wines such as sweet vermouth, Port wine, Madeira and Marsala, Sherry, Brandy, Cognac and Calvados.