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Chocolate brownies without butter or eggs: the perfect vegan recipe

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Chocolate brownies without butter or eggs: the perfect vegan recipe

  • 45 minutes
  • Serves 12
  • Easy



Today we will prepare the vegan brownies with pistachios. It is a step to take, but do not think the taste is inferior. Indeed they are exquisite! But above all, there are neither eggs nor butter: good news for those who are intolerant and our cholesterol.

Of course, you don’t have to binge on brownies just because there is less fat: sugar hits hard anyway, but at least in terms of saturated fat, we are at an all-time low. We can say that these vegan Brownies are the light desserts par excellence.

The secret ingredient is beetroot: it adds a fantastic texture and a myriad of earthy shades that will make the brownies more consistent and less monotonous. Feel free to add dried fruit at will: walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds.

Instead of butter, we can use many vegetable fats such as olive oil, coconut oil or linseed soaked in hot water.

Bananas and avocados are also great for adding a creamy touch and helping to bond. Beetroot is the best substitute for the soft effect it can give to brownies, but remember that they are ideal for dark chocolate brownies, as they are very good at binding to the earthy tones of chocolate.

In short, you have no more excuses not to switch to the vegan side of desserts!

Ingredients for making vegan brownies with beetroot and pistachios

For making 12 brownies

  • 300 grams of red turnips
  • 400 grams of extra dark chocolate
  • 200 ml of olive oil
  • 5 grams of ground cinnamon
  • 6 grams of carnation powder
  • 300 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 30 grams of starch
  • 6 cl of coconut milk to lengthen and give an exotic touch
  • 100 grams of pistachios (or dried fruit)

How to make vegan brownies without eggs or butter

Boil the beetroot for 30-35 minutes, then drain, peel and mash until a creamy puree is obtained.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, stir, turn off.

Turn on the oven: temperature 170 degrees centigrade.

Mix flour, powdered spices and starch.

Mix the sugar and oil, then add the melted chocolate, the beetroot, the flour a little at a time, sifting it with a chinois. If you want, add dried fruit.

The brownie mixture should be creamy and firm but not too dry. If necessary, add a drop of coconut milk to thin and flavor.

Put a sheet of parchment paper in a rectangular or square cake mold (as we measure 30 X 20), then pour the mixture into it, level and bake at 170 degrees.

Be careful not to put the brownies too high. Half is already good.

After 10 minutes, set 180 degrees and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

Open the oven, let it cool, remove it, and cut it into square pieces.

Which wine goes well with vegan brownies without eggs or butter?

Chocolate requires a rich, alcoholic and tannic nectar such as sweet vermouth, port wine, Marsala, Madeira wine, and Sherry, but let’s not forget great spirits such as Jamaican Rum and Brandy, Cognac and Calvados.

The Black Russian was born to love brownies if you want to pair a cocktail!

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