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Struffoli original Neapolitan recipe: here’s how to make real struffoli like a pro pastry chef

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Struffoli original Neapolitan recipe: here’s how to make real struffoli like a pro pastry chef

  • 1 hours + 4 hours of rest
  • Serves 10
  • Medium



The Neapolitan struffoli are those irresistible little pieces (like chickpeas) of fried dough, covered with honey and sugars. They look harmless, but they are dangerous: one leads to another until you eat an avalanche of these lovely jewels.

And for the occasion, once again we want to thank one of the best Italian pastry chefs: Mr. Armando Palmieri, one of the most serious and profound connoisseurs of the pastry world, who today was kind enough to share his recipe for making the real struffoli. And we thank him with the heart in our hands covered with honey.

Ingredients and doses for making the real Neapolitan struffoli

500 grams of weak biscuit flour
300 grams of whole eggs (about 5)
40 grams of granulated sugar
30 grams of butter
zest of citrus fruits (orange and lemon)
3 grams of fine salt
Strega liqueur or grappa
5 grams of powdered chemical yeast
about 300 g acacia honey
50 g glucose syrup
rainbow sprinkles (diavolilli)
quality mixed candied fruit
2 liters peanut oil for frying

How to make Neapolitan struffoli

Take a bowl and sift flour and baking powder and add all the ingredients, stir and then start kneading until it forms an almost dry dough. Wrap the struffoli mixture in the film or vacuum and refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and knead it, then cut into sticks about 1.5 cm in diameter and cut into “chickpeas”. Sprinkle some flour over them. Meanwhile, put a saucepan to fry on the heat and fill it with peanut oil for frying. Check with a temperature, which must be 170 degrees Celsius. When the oil reaches 170 ° C, dip the struffoli and fry for a maximum of 5 minutes, but always check with your eyes. The struffoli are cooked when they are, but don’t let them become too brown! Drain on absorbent paper.

Take a saucepan and heat the honey and glucose over a gentle heat, maintaining a temperature of 60 ° C. At this point add the candied fruit and then the struffoli and finish with some rainbow sprinkles.

Give your favorite shape to struffoli and let them cool and so the struffoli are ready! As you have seen, the recipe is immediate and does not hide difficulties, but precision is needed and the dough must be worked well. Be careful to keep the 60 degrees for the honey and sugar sauce and do not cook them too much. If you follow this recipe, you will be able to make the perfect struffoli!

What wine to pair with Neapolitan struffoli?

Let’s uncork a sunny and joyful wine like a Zibibbo or a Malvasia Di Bosa Dolce Naturale Doc.


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