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Desideria: the new aphrodisiac cocktail with chocolate, whiskey, coconut milk and pistachio cream

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Desideria: the new aphrodisiac cocktail with chocolate, whiskey, coconut milk and pistachio cream

  • 8 minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Medium



For our Dharmag about whiskey, we could not miss a chance to make a themed cocktail.

It’s a sweet, aphrodisiac cocktail made with chocolate, whisky, vanilla and nutmeg, nothing too difficult, we could say it’s a kind of boozy chocolate milkshake for adults!

The peculiarity of this cocktail is the presence of coconut milk that makes it creamy and mysterious, another little touch is given by the pistachio cream.

Sure, chocolate is very domineering, but the pistachio cream leaves its mark and adds a sumptuous note.

For the rest, the alcoholic backbone of this drink is simple: a mix of whisky and Drambuie. More than enough to give consistency to the beverage.

The code name is Desideria, not of great originality, but it makes you understand what kind of luxurious climate it can create.

Desideria cocktail ingredients

  • 4 cl of a good peaty Scotch whisky
  • 1 cl Drambuie
  • 4 cl of coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon of cream of pistachio
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • a pinch of cinnamon powder
  • a pinch of cloves
  • 10 grams of extra dark chocolate

How to make the Desideria cocktail

Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape away the good stuff with a knife.

In a saucepan heat gently the coconut milk and vanilla add all the fresh ground spices, you can also use almond milk if you don’t like coconut milk.

Throw in chocolate, pistachio cream and melt stirring continuously. In absence of chocolate, you can use cocoa powder.

Pour into a shaker filled with ice, shake for 15 seconds, then pour into glasses, filtering with a fine strainer.

Decorated with chocolate flakes and serve the cocktail D.

Whisky cocktails you should try

Boulevardier, Old Fashioned, Irish Coffee, Mint Julep, Sazerac, Godfather, Rusty Nail, Rob Roy, Old Pal, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Toronto, Penicillin


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