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Amaretto Sour drink recipe: how to make a delicious aperitif

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Adjust Servings:
3 cl of amaretto liqueur
2 cl of Bourbon whiskey
3 cl of lemon juice
0,5 cl of sugar syrup
1,5 cl of egg white
orange peel

Nutritional information


Amaretto Sour drink recipe: how to make a delicious aperitif

  • 5 minutes
  • Serves 1
  • Easy




The Amaretto Sour cocktail is a niche aperitif, relegated to oblivion because it is not appreciated for its great sweetness. But in reality, the Amaretto sour should not be cloying or too heavy. The problem is that it is often considered a minor cocktail and prepared with cheap ingredients.

If made with an excellent artisanal amaretto liqueur, a Bourbon not too caramelized, and a strong alcohol punch, the Amaretto sour is sweet but certainly not mellifluous. It is the ideal cocktail to make aperitifs or brunches where alcoholic euphoria should not be missing if you want to try it. Remember, the Amaretto is the key: the flavor of almonds so aromatic must hit you, seduce you, and don’t let you escape.

Ingredients and doses to make the Amaretto sour cocktail

  • 3 cl of amaretto liqueur
  • 2 cl of Bourbon whiskey
  • 3 cl of lemon juice
  • 0.5 cl of sugar syrup
  • 1,5 cl of egg white
  • orange peel

How to make the perfect Amaretto sour cocktail

Like all cocktails made with egg white, the key is dry shaking, the proper technique to whip the egg white. Put the amaretto liqueur, Bourbon whiskey, lemon juice, and egg white in a shaker and shake for 1 minute.

Add ice and shake to quickly cool the cocktail and then pour into a glass, filtering with a sieve.

Not everyone does it, but to give the cocktail more elegance, squeeze an orange peel and then decorate with a slice of dried orange or orange peel and maraschino cherries.

You will find different recipes with different doses of Amaretto sour, but let’s be clear: putting 4.5 cl of Amaretto is pure madness. In this way, the Amaretto becomes too overpowering and unbalances the cocktail towards a pasty sweetness without nuances. Do some tests and try to add 3 drops of Angostura or aromatic bitters.

Suggested food pairings

Try it with chocolate desserts, fresh fruit, coffee, or orange cheesecake: tiramisù, chocolate salami, pear, and chocolate tart, bonet, vegan panna cotta, galaktoboureko.

After-dinners you should try

B-52, Godmother, Grasshopper, Golden Cadillac, Brandy Eggnog.


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