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Shrimp skewer with walnut bread and guacamole

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Shrimp skewer with walnut bread and guacamole

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Do you like shrimps? Let’s try this super fast and delicious recipe: these spiced shrimp skewers are a nice change of pace from the same old boring skewers!

Ingredients for the perfect shrimp skewer with walnut bread topped with mint guacamole

Recipe for 2 people

  • walnut bread (levain) (or another kind of nut bread)
  • 8 shrimp per skewer size 71/90
  • ½ teaspoon smoked paprika (spices for 4 skewers)
  • ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped mint
  • ½ teaspoon of hot sauce
  • olive oil (brush the shrimp with oil)
  • salt and pepper (to taste)

How to make a perfect shrimp skewer with walnut bread topped with mint guacamole

Peel the shrimp and mix with the oil, paprika, turmeric & salt and pepper (to taste). Put the shrimp on the skewers and set aside.

Mix in a bowl the avocados, lemon juice, mint, salt pepper (to taste) hot sauce. You can use a potato masher to give your guacamole a nice consistency.

Cut two slices of bread, brush oil on the slices and toast on the BBQ.

BBQ the shrimp skewers.

Add the guacamole on the slices of bread, and top with the shrimp.

What wine should we pair with these shrimp skewers?

This dish pairs well with a good white wine or rosé, choose the sparkling rosé, Montepulciano, from Dianetti winery, Le Marche.

Recipe courtesy of Lionel Flaget


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